Rabu, 31 Maret 2010

Holiday In Bali

one years ago. i went to Bali to holiday in my family. i went there by bus. i bought the tickets agency near my hause. the ticket Rp.120.000. i left solo at about 5 p.m . i really enjoyed my journey. the scenery was very beautifull. the bus stopped at a restaurant padang. east java at 07.30 p.m .

at 2 a.m the bus arrived at ketapang port. thenm we crossed the sea by a ferry. we need 30 minutes to cross the sea. the ship arrived at gilimanuk at 5 a,m . the journey from gilimanuk to denpasar was very enjoyeble. we saw many rice. the bus arrived at Ubung bus stasion at about 11 a,m . after that we stay in hotel.

my holiday plan, i visited sanur and kuta beach. among the plase, kuta beach is my favorite one. the sea is very very beautifull and sloping beach. me and my family very funny .

Motorola Present a Newest Famili Of Rokr

next year, motorola launching rokr type E8. this product offer complete sistem for enjoying music. this handphone is combine mp3 player and sophisticated comonication function. mode shift completed easy distribute from telephones function to music player

this mode shift easying you for turn on the music, talking or move to another feature. supenoty is the button displayed sccording with require every feature. navigation fastcroll also exist in this handphone. that fastcroll is trademark, this brand enable a seaching more that thousand misic just by move mother finger.

motorola begin enter the handphone plus music player a fully since 2004. still begining only feature. this moment it have been becoming the best feature, but now has become a considered feature. seriousness they worked on segments of music lovers, because according to a survey of about 60% of mobile phone users love the music.

Rokr E8 marketed with a price of around 3 million. they startegy will be to penetrate the market through Disk Jockey(DJ) and Clubber community. since the begining of june, this phone has been revolve in various a big cities in indonesia such as jakarta, bandung, medan, makasar and others. this new production existence also shows that that issue was not properly closed motorola. motorola spin-off simply do it. process will be completed next year.

Selasa, 16 Maret 2010


at 10 th December, PR event was done with a moment to share “theme. More than80 media came at imam bonjol’s house at 15.00 . this show happened to give an appreciation to media partner because the good relationship with oriflame until 2009.

The most important purpose of this show was to launch the charity program that we would start at February 2010that is “ Power Of Kiss” charity program. In this program oriflame with asylum roslin at kupang gave a help to school’s builded. 500 rupiah from all lipstick that sold at February will use to interest at editcation’s cost.

The journalists that came were given a flower and zodiac card that correct with each journalist’s zodiac . they could ask a question to fortune teller about lipstick and oriflame’s perfume and also about the lucky at 2010

Become to top leader oriflame indonesia, delegation from embassy of swedia and two celebrities indonesia. Who care with childern education in indonesia. That is mona ratuliu and dik doank.

Wish With this show “power of kiss” charity program in feb can keep going until children who at the kupang can realisation there desire for learn and decrease amount childern of broken school in indonesia


at 10 th December, PR event was done with a moment to share “theme. More than80 media came at imam bonjol’s house at 15.00 . this show happened to give an appreciation to media partner because the good relationship with oriflame until 2009.

The most important purpose of this show was to launch the charity program that we would start at February 2010that is “ Power Of Kiss” charity program. In this program oriflame with asylum roslin at kupang gave a help to school’s builded. 500 rupiah from all lipstick that sold at February will use to interest at editcation’s cost.

The journalists that came were given a flower and zodiac card that correct with each journalist’s zodiac . they could ask a question to fortune teller about lipstick and oriflame’s perfume and also about the lucky at 2010

Become to top leader oriflame indonesia, delegation from embassy of swedia and two celebrities indonesia. Who care with childern education in indonesia. That is mona ratuliu and dik doank.

Wish With this show “power of kiss” charity program in feb can keep going until children who at the kupang can realisation there desire for learn and decrease amount childern of broken school in indonesia


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